Titanic Part 1

The most expensive movie of all time. Winner of 11 Oscars. Time to go back to 1997, to discover the real history behind James Cameron’s epic romance Titanic (1997). Join us as we go behind the scenes to understand how it became the most successful movie of all time. But just how historically accurate is it? In part 1 we board Titanic up until the night of its tragic sinking. Who are the real historical figures on board, and why did the White Star Line crew not have a pair of binoculars to spot the iceberg?

Real Movies Fake History is hosted by two friends, Gaz (the film nerd) and Mel (the history expert), who each episode discuss, debate and laugh about the real history behind diverse and important cinema.

We seek to discover the true story behind films apparently based on a true story. With a particular interest in gender and cultural representation, we love nothing more than to speak on how a particular film represents the world around us.

Join us as we talk about movies, history, and the truth in between. New episodes launch every month.


Titanic Part 2


Hidden Figures